Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Problems Deleting a Custom Object

I ran into an issue the other day...

One of our developers had a few objects that he wanted deleted. So, I went to OMW and was able to delete all of the objects...except one (a "P" object). I did everything:

  • I deleted it locally
  • I deleted it from the SAVE location
  • I marked it to delete from transfer locations and then promoted it all the way to a 38 and back to a 21
Finally, I figured maybe I could just delete it from the database...NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!!

After a bunch of digging in all our developer's projects, I found that there were 3 versions of that object that had been created. I deleted the versions and was then able to delete the object.

How FRUSTRATING!!!!!! You would think that that would be a fairly simple error message to display: